In all truth, every Mass celebrated has infinite value. The greatest action the human person can do on this side of eternity is to attend Holy Mass and receive Jesus in the Eucharist in the state of grace.
Here are Five Graces That Flow From the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:
1. Salvation of Souls
Jesus expressed, in clear and unequivocal terms, that our salvation depends on the Eucharist, the Bread of Life. The words of Jesus are indisputable: “I am the Bread of Life. Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.” (Jn 6: 35, 54—Bread of Life discourse)
2. Souls in Purgatory Are Purified
No doubt, the most efficacious means by which the souls in Purgatory can be purified of the residual effects of their venial and mortal sins that have not been expiated (atoned for) sufficiently, is through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
3. Calvary is Renewed and Re-Enacted
How difficult it is to comprehend the relationship between the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacrifice on Calvary that first Good Friday. However, it is a reality! In every Mass, the crucified Lord Jesus offers Himself to God the Father as the Spotless Victim for the salvation of the world!
4. Venial Sins Can Be Purified in the Context of Holy Mass
It is a grave error, often done by many, to deprive oneself of the reception of Holy Communion because he/she is aware of having committed venial sins, and only venial sins. Quite the contrary, in the Penitential Rite at the beginning of Mass, one begs pardon for venial sins and the sins are forgiven by the prayerful and contrite recitation of the Confiteor. At the end of the Penitential Act, the priest imparts absolution for venial sins.
(Note: Mortal sins have to be confessed to a priest before receiving Holy Communion.)
5. Angelic Intervention and the Saints
Involved also in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the angels. In the Sanctus, we unite our prayers with the choirs of angels as we say: “Holy, holy, holy…” The eloquent and brilliant Father of the Church, Saint John Chrysostom states that numerous angels surround the Tabernacle in vigil before their Eucharistic Lord and King. By the way, angels can help us immensely to pay more attention and participate more fully in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass if we ask for their help.
The greatest lovers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the saints. The extraordinary graces that they received came through Jesus in His Mystical Body, the Church. However, it was through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that the infinite reservoir of graces inundated their souls, their lives, their sufferings and their extraordinary apostolic enterprises and successes.