Category Saints

5 Saints Whose Patronage Came By Their Brave Death

5 Saints Whose Patronage Came by Their Brave Death All of them are martyrs, and each of them has become forever linked to something related to the way they bravely died for the faith. From St. Clare being the patron… Continue Reading →

If In Difficulty Say this Prayer to St. AGATHA for a Miracle

If In Difficulty Say this Prayer to St. AGATHA for a Miracle The heroic young woman was able to remain faithful in the midst of severe suffering. There will always be times in our lives when it is difficult to… Continue Reading →

Unmissable Litany for the Powerful Intercessions of the saints

Unmissable Litany for the Powerful Intercessions of the saints Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear… Continue Reading →

3 Miraculous Healing Novenas for (Physical, Mental and Addictions)

3 Miraculous Healing Novenas for (Physical, Mental and Addictions) We are broken human beings. Our nature, wounded by Original Sin, has left a fragility in us that can only be strengthened, steeled, and fortified by Christ and the Blood He… Continue Reading →

Say this Prayer Before Jesus Christ

Say this Prayer Before Jesus Christ In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.   Grant me, O merciful God, to desire eagerly, to investigate prudently, to acknowledge sincerely, and to fulfil perfectly… Continue Reading →

5 Powerful Importance of Divine Mercy to Sinners

5 Powerful Importance of Divine Mercy to Sinners It might seem incredibly obvious to state that “mercy is for sinners,” yet we can sometimes forget this foundational truth. Unless we actually spend time dwelling on this reality, we will utterly… Continue Reading →

This 10 Question That Can Make You Rethink Your Faith By St. Francis De Sales

This 10 Question That Can Make You Rethink Your Faith by St. Francis De Sales 1. What is the aspect of your heart with respect to mortal sin? Are you firmly resolved never to commit it, let come what may?… Continue Reading →

Five Myths About Purgatory

Five Myths About Purgatory It’s probably safe to say that for most Protestant Christians, there are few doctrines more “Catholic” than Purgatory. Unfortunately, most people’s understanding of Purgatory is fraught with myths and misconceptions. First, here’s how the Catechism describes… Continue Reading →

The Powerful Prayer of St. Patrick’s Breastplate

The Powerful Prayer of St. Patrick’s Breastplate In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I bind to myself today The strong virtue of the Invocation of the Trinity: I believe the Trinity… Continue Reading →

Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary (and Prayer); 8th September.

 Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary (and Prayer); 8th September. The Bible doesn’t say anything about Mary’s birth, but we know that she was born. Like all parents, Mary’s parents—we call them Joachim and Ann—probably took one look at their… Continue Reading →

4 Powerful Intercessory Prayer to St. Monica For A Wayward Person

4 Powerful Intercessory Prayer to St. Monica For A Wayward Person Prayer #1) Exemplary Mother of the Great Augustine, you perseveringly pursued your wayward son, not with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in… Continue Reading →

4 Must Say Intercessory Prayers to St. Theresa

4 Must Say Intercessory Prayers to St. Theresa A Petition for any Favour Blessed Little Flower of Jesus, turn thy sweet face toward us, and through the intercession of that dear Little Infant Jesus, continue to fulfill thy promise to… Continue Reading →


6 WONDERFUL THINGS TO ADORE ABOUT THE VIRGIN MARY Mary, the mother of Jesus, commonly referred to as Mary, Mother of God, Saint Mary, Virgin Mary and Blessed Virgin Mary, is one of the most admired figures in Scripture and… Continue Reading →

The First Pure Form of Original Sin

The First Pure Form of Original Sin  The Communion of Saints, as detailed in the Apostles Creed, consists of all baptized Christians, past, present, and future. This mystical affiliation that spans Heaven and Earth cannot be quantified in temporal terms… Continue Reading →


PRAYING FOR THE NEVER FAILING INTERCESSION OF POPE JOHN PAUL II In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit O Blessed Trinity, we thank you for having graced the Church with Saint John… Continue Reading →

Do You Know Of The Final Communion for Believers Given By Jesus

  Do You Know Of The Final Communion for Believers Given By Jesus The Communion of Saints, as detailed in the Apostles Creed, consists of all baptized Christians, past, present, and future. This mystical affiliation that spans Heaven and Earth… Continue Reading →


MOST SAY PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN DURING BENEDICTION Composed by Pope Leo XIII  Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,  Jesus. Holy Mary,… Continue Reading →

Intercession Through ST. PADRE PIO For Impossible Requests

Intercession Through ST. PADRE PIO For Impossible Requests in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen Jesus keeps nothing for Himself of what is done for love of Him,  and He will… Continue Reading →

Feast Of ST. Bartholomew; Skinned Alive Apostle (Prayer)

Feast Of ST. Bartholomew; Skinned Alive Apostle (Prayer) In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit for Grace; O Glorious Saint Bartholomew, Jesus called you a person without guile  and you saw in… Continue Reading →

7 Powerful Prayer in Catholic History

7 Powerful Prayer in Catholic History We all face unusual circumstances from time to time. One of the best pieces of advice is to handle these times by seeking God in prayer and fasting, being incredibly attentive to his words… Continue Reading →

St Rose Teaches Us of The Powerful Grace That comes With Suffering

St Rose Teaches Us of The Powerful Grace That comes With Suffering The spiritual life is not always full of roses. It also contains many thorns. At times we can become discouraged, especially when we encounter any type of suffering… Continue Reading →

Invoking The Grace and Favour of the Might Prophet ELIJAH

Invoking The Grace and Favour of the Might Prophet ELIJAH As the ‘spiritual father’ of the Order, Carmelites invoke the prophet St. Elijah in prayer, asking – like his disciple Elisha – for a double portion of his spirit. The… Continue Reading →

7 Powerful Saints To Call Upon For Various Impossible Situations

7 Powerful Saints To Call Upon For Various Impossible Situations Whenever we’re frightened, we should always pray to God and thank Him for His help. But we’re also encouraged to pray for the intercession of saints. Although they’re human souls,… Continue Reading →

5 Powerful Prayer To Say During the Liturgy Of The Eucharist at Mass

5 Powerful Prayer To Say During the Liturgy Of The Eucharist at Mass One time-honored way to grow in our appreciation for this holiest of Sacraments is to offer prayers of thanksgiving after each holy communion. Doing so reminds us… Continue Reading →

The Saint That Preached Of Repentance After Being Beheaded

The Saint That Preached Of Repentance After Being Beheaded Here’s a short story of the Saint who preached a sermon after being beheaded. Saint Denis picked up his head and preached a sermon on repentance after being beheaded under the… Continue Reading →

Say This Miraculous St. Francis Prayer Before A Crucifix

Say This Miraculous St. Francis Prayer Before A Crucifix In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Most high, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me, Lord, a… Continue Reading →

Through her Powerful Intercession, To Mother Teresa Make Your Request

Through her Powerful Intercession, To Mother Teresa Make Your Request Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or  sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by… Continue Reading →

Say This Prayer When Praying for the Sick To Invoke the Healing Ministry of Jesus

  Say This Prayer When Praying for the Sick To Invoke the Healing Ministry of Jesus During his ministry on earth, Jesus was commonly identified as a healer. Among the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry was his particular care of the… Continue Reading →

Miracle Prayer To Defeat The Devil And Gain Protection

Miracle Prayer To Defeat The Devil And Gain Protection In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares… Continue Reading →

SOULS OR DEMONS? Why You Should Not Consult The Dead

SOULS OR DEMONS? Why You Should Not Consult The Dead First a warning from the Church “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages… Continue Reading →

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